Sherlock: 13 WTF Moments From The Abominable Bride

2. Moriarty IS Dead

Ever since Moriarty appeared on every TV screen in the country (in both the show and the real world) in Series Three finale His Last Vow, fans have been theorising left, right and centre over how he could have faked his death of shooting himself in the head. With Sherlock we didn't see him hit the ground but we positively saw blood pouring out the back of Moriarty's noggin. In The Abominable Bride, Sherlock dived into his Mind Palace to imagine himself solving a similar case from a hundred years ago and in doing so determines the truth about Moriarty - that he really is dead. There's no way you can come back from a bullet in the brain. However, he says he also knows what he's going to do next. Firstly, this is a WTF moment as it seems the series is going back on the promise of the last series that Moriarty is alive and, secondly, though Moriarty is dead it seems he is somehow still out to get Sherlock. Answers on a post card please.

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