Sherlock: 5 Reasons Why The Next Villain Won't Be As Awesome As Moriarty

1. He's Made The Writers Victims Of Their Own Success

For only being in about forty minutes of the nine hours we currently have of 'Sherlock,' Jim Moriarty certainly leaves an impression. Any villain can be deceptive, childish, unpredictable, quirky, and/or a mirror of the hero, but in pulling all of these traits together, Moffat, Gatiss, Thompson, and Scott have created a character both fascinating and repulsive, repellent yet mesmerizing. In short, they have created the perfect villain. Unfortunately, this also means they have set their own trap: if they create a new villain who (obviously) must differ from Moriarty, he may be seen as a lesser villain compared to him, but if they make the new villain similar to Moriarty, then they are boring their audience by repeating themselves. All we can do is trust the writers; giving credit where credit's due, they've rarely failed us before. Sherlock and John will once again face their adversaries in season 3, airing on January 1 with "The Empty Hearse." While Moriarty will no longer be one of them, I think it's fair to say he will be sorely missed, and remembered as the best villain 'Sherlock' has ever had. Do you think Sherlock's new villain can hold their own against Moriarty? Share your thoughts below in the comments.
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She is a student at the Ohio State University with a major in English and a minor in Film Studies. She loves watching 'Sherlock' and 'Doctor Who' and is an aspiring author currently working on her first novel about the Paris catacombs. Follow her on Twitter @sherlocked1058 or email her via View more of her musings on Sherlock and Doctor Who at