Sherlock Series 3: 5 Reasons To Be Excited

4. The Reunion

Series three picks up two years after the end of The Reichenbach Fall, with John cosily ensconced in his new domestic life as a GP - but of course, that's going to all come crashing down with Sherlock coming back. It's been promised to be the core of The Empty Hearse, and be handled in a drastically different way to the books (John faints, but is mostly OK with the whole thing).

We don't know how the reunion will pan out, but it'll certainly involve shouting, swearing and probably a healthy dose of punching. Sherlock's not exactly going to judge the whole thing very well, neither is John going to take it very well - so a recipe for dramatic dynamite is made. There's also the additional problem of Watson's girlfriend Mary (more on that next page).

But while John and Sherlock's unhappy reunion promises to be hilarious, there's also the problem of reintroducing himself to the other supporting characters of the show. Trailers have shown Mrs Hudson, 221B's faithful landlady, screaming her head off at the sight of Sherlock, Lestrade finding himself once again pickpocketed and curiously, Anderson now becoming a huge fan of Sherlock - but the most interesting of the rest is sure to be Molly, St Barts' lovelorn morgue worker - due to one simple reason. Given the hints we've been given, it's likely that she'll be fully aware of Sherlock's survival...


British writerer who enjoys comic-book movies, Doctor Who and games I'm too incompetent to play. And a lot of other things.