Sherlock: The Worst Episode From Every Season

3. Season Three - The Empty Hearse

Sherlock The Blind Banker

The Empty Hearse, a fitting title for an empty episode. This episode had insanely high expectations from everyone before it came out — after all, it would follow The Reichenbach Fall, what many consider the greatest Sherlock episode of all time. Even if you didn't think that, you would still be curious as to how Sherlock managed to fake his own death, making your expectations for this episode still high. Good God, does this episode disappoint.

First off, let's address the big event of this episode: the explanation for Sherlock's fall. There really was so need for this explanation to be stretched to an hour and a half, but that's what we have so at the very least, does the explanation satisfy? Not at all. Plenty of things could've gone wrong during Sherlock's fall (Anderson even points this out), so the writers expect us to suspend too much disbelief in order for this explanation to work. Even if it could work, the answer is just so lazy and uninspired, it's a complete letdown, almost as if the writers wrote themselves into a corner when writing The Reichenbach Fall.

But more than that, The Empty Hearse is just a boring, unfocused, and plotless mess, almost becoming a self-parody of its own self. The show was always funny but that was never the main focus — here, comedy and silliness have taken over, the writers seemingly more interested in dedicating time for jokes rather than the mystery. All in all, The Empty Hearse is a disappointing episode in every possible way.

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Writer, visual designer, and The Simpsons fan. Still hasn't finished Super Mario Bros. 3 and probably never will. Rocks at board games, though.