Sherlock's 10 Greatest Insults

3. "I Don't See Smart And I Definitely Don't See Trustworthy. But I'll Give You A Quote ... You Repel Me."

Episode: The Reichenbach Fall Directed At: Kitty Reilly (Journalist) Cold, cutting and bereft of the usual undercurrent of humour, this is one of the great detective's somewhat rare displays of unmasked hatred. The near-emotionless, isolated thinking machine seems to have an inherent disapproval of tabloid journalism, so it's nice to see that despite the rudeness on display here, he has his morals in the right place. Of course, this cold rebuttal of Reilly's offer later turns on Sherlock (or so we thought at the time), as she instead aligns herself with Moriarty's fictitious Rich Brook and sets about bringing Sherlock's reputation to its knees with journalistic libel and scandal, ultimately using his words "You Repel Me" against him when they later meet again. Sometimes it pays to hold one's tongue.

26 year old novelist and film nerd from London. Currently working on his third novel and dreaming up more list-based film articles to flood WhatCulture with.