The Simpsons: 11 More Characters Who Need To Die

3. The Rich Texan

Why He Should Die: Because there are only so many times you can carelessly fire a gun in public before you start paying for it. Plus, given how readily the Rich Texan embodies American Republican cliches, it'd be a delight to see him go down. Furthermore, he's hardly an important character in Simpsons lore and has pretty much made a name for himself solely on the basis of being irritating. Method Of Death: Dying by his own hand would make the sense: the scene begins as any other Rich Texan dialogue, but when he fires his guns, one of the bullets ricochets, kills him, and then he's never, ever mentioned again. How Likely Is It?: It could definitely happen without causing too much of a stir, though his appearances are so infrequent these days that he just might not be on the team's minds. 4/10
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.