The Simpsons: 11 More Characters Who Need To Die

4. Luann Van Houten

Why She Should Die: There are plenty of buttoned-down, stuck-up housewives in the history of The Simpsons, be it Maude Flanders (RIP), Helen Lovejoy or arguably the worst of the lot, Luann Van Houten, responsible for bringing Milhouse into the world, and frequently hen-pecking her twice-married husband Kirk. During her divorce from Kirk, she proved to be Springfield's town slut, and with how she treats both her husband and son, it's easy to want to see her die a horrible death. Method Of Death: The hilariously dark answer would be that their reconciliation doesn't go well, Kirk finally cracks and kills Luann, though that'd probably be too far for the show. A possible solution is to quietly write the character out, with Kirk constantly telling Milhouse and others that she's gone on a business retreat: the recurring joke can be Kirk's excuses each time he's asked where she is, with ever-increasing hints that he's killed her, but never confirming it. How Likely Is It?: Given that their reconciliation came relatively late in The Simpsons' tenure (season 19), it's unlikely that this would then result in a total U-turn just a few years later, even if it would give Kirk and Milhouse even more problems to deal with. 2/10
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.