The Simpsons: 20 Annoying Mistakes You Didn't Notice

9. Milhouse Is A Dirty Liar

In Season 15 episode "The Way We Weren't," when Milhouse kisses Homer, he says that that was the first kiss in his whole life, but a whole 12 seasons before that in "Bart's Friend Falls in Love," he has a girlfriend who he relentlessly kisses, so either Milhouse decided that his first experiences didn't count, or he completely wiped Samantha Stanky out of his memory entirely.

8. Smithers' Origin Story Changes At The Drop Of A Hat

Like Ned Flanders, and Clancy Wiggum, the show has also suggested that Waylon Smithers is three entirely different ages. In "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular", Troy McClure mentions that the executive personal assistant is in his early 40's, and in "Bye Bye Nerdie", Homer remembers beating him up in middle school, putting them at similar ages (though presumably Flanders would have had to be older). But then in "The Blunder Years," when Homer is overcome with screaming terrors, it is eventually discovered that the cause was his discovery of the dead body of Smithers' father, who sacrificed himself to save Springfield from a nuclear meltdown 25 years earlier. That would make Smithers younger than Homer, and only in his late 20s, rather than his early 40s.

7. Where Were Marge And Homer Married Exactly?

Did Homer and Marge have an understated paupers' wedding, or a traditional, more lavish affair? The show can't seem to decide, as in "The War of the Simpsons", Homer mentions "that big bash we had with all the champagne and musicians and holy men and everything", which Marge points out was their wedding, but in flash-back episode"I Married Marge", Homer was only able to afford a cheap wedding at Shotgun Pete's.
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