The Simpsons: 20 Greatest Songs In The Show's History

From greyhound tuxedos to monorails, we chart some of The Simpsons' best toe-tappers

Many of The Simpsons' finest, funniest and most memorable moments have sprung €“ top hat in one hand, cane in the other €“ from its rich array of musical numbers. From all-too-brief commercial jingles to overblown theatrical stage shows, each of its 25 seasons (and counting) boasts a jukebox full of the sharp, surreal and sublime. This comes not only from a range of guest appearances €“ from Aerosmith to The Dixie Chicks €“ but also the fictional bands that exist solely within the show, such as the Bee Sharps, Party Posse and Sadgasm. And let's not forget the outstanding work of show composer Alf Clausen, whose range of musical pastiches has doubtless contributed to the show's success. Some songs, sadly, were too short to be included in this list: 'Mr Plow', 'Paint Your Wagon' and just about everything the Parson has ever said. And someday, somewhere Kirk van Houten's ''Can I Borrow a Feeling?'' will get the attention it deserves. But until then, why not join me on a nostalgic trip down the greatest ever TV show's greatest ever (musical) moments? And, to celebrate the wonderful marriage of music and lyrics, what better way to start than with a rapping cartoon dog...
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Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit