The Simpsons: Bart's 25 Greatest Moments

2. Happy Birthday, Lisa!

From: Stark Raving Dad (Season 3, Episode 1) Bart and Lisa Simpson are one of the most famous sibling pairings on television so, as siblings do, they usually have troubling getting along. Lisa's precocious, intelligent nature pitted against Bart's free-spiritedness and libertarianism (though, that's really more of a Lisa word) make for natural enemies. However, they are brother and sister and so, on occasion, reveal that they do really care for the other. A good example of this on Bart's part is the occasion when he forgets to get Lisa anything for her birthday, leaving his little sister distraught. With the help of Homer's new friend, a bulky bald man who thinks he's Michael Jackson (played by, you guessed it, the real Jackson, only credited as 'John Jay Smith'), Bart composes a song for her on her birthday. Everybody now:

'Lisa, it's your birthday God bless you this day. You gave me the gift of a little sister. And I'm proud of you today.

Lisa, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Lisa. Lisa, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Lisa.

I wish you love and good will. I wish you peace and joy. I wish you better than your heart desires. And your first kiss from a boy.

Lisa, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Lisa. Lisa, it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Lisa. Yeah!'

Apart from being a catchy song (also written by Jackson himself, just like Bart's other musical number Do the Bartman), this is also one of those unlikely touching moments from Bart where he shows that he can be a considerate person, particularly to the family members that usually suffer from his actions. Based on his character in this episode, you can imagine that Bart wouldn't be a half-bad brother to have in real-life.

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