Sons Of Anarchy: 10 Best Supporting Characters
9. T.O. Cross

Don't call him Taddarius, you may live to regret it.
T.O. Cross is the President of the Grim Bastards Motorcycle Club, who are long-term allies of the SOA.
The Bastards are often called upon when intel or back-up is required. After SAMCRO and the Mayans strike a deal over the latter's drug shipments, T.O.'s club is called in to act as security.
T.O. Cross offering fierce loyalty to Clay, but this very loyalty is tested after Jax claims to the President patch.
It transpires that T.O.'s cousin, Randall, is the one that killed Opie when they were locked up. Although Jax swears he will not kill Randall, he breaks this promise the moment they have him cornered.
This drives a wedge between the two clubs for the rest of seasons 5 and 6. It is only at the beginning of season 7 after SAMCRO does the Grim Bastards a favour that fences are mended.
The relationship between Jax and T.O. grows, with the latter admitting that his club is nearing splitting up due to its dwindling members.
Jax then goes against the old rules of the club and patches T.O. over to the Sons of Anarchy, making him their first black member, showing the brotherhood that has grown between them