Sons Of Anarchy: 10 Compelling Questions That Were Never Answered

8. What Happened To That Church Land?

sons of anarchy jax abel

For a show whose main draws were sex, violence, and epic plot twists, Sons Of Anarchy sure did rely on boring land development deals for its plot engine. In the seventh season they got caught up in a deal on some church land, which mobster (and Damon Pope's former number two) August Marks is after. It's what gets Bobby killed.

Well, that and all the secret alliances, revenges and back-stabbing between SAMCRO, August's people, the Mayans, the Chinese, the Irish...Marks planned to build condos on the land, which was occupied by a church, and Jax basically ignited a gang war to stop him getting that land. To be fair, in the end, Jax succeeded.

But considering it was such a big deal in the first place, there's no follow up on what happened to that land. Even with Marks jailed and then killed on the courtroom steps by Jax, his gang could easily take the land by force from its two owners. So what happened to the place? Do SAMCRO protect it? Will Charming get some new condos after all?


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at