Sons Of Anarchy: 10 Compelling Questions That Were Never Answered

6. Where Was Nero's Explanation?

sons of anarchy jax abel

Nero Padilla is one of the rare members of the Sons Of Anarchy core ensemble to make it out of the show alive. Gemma's main squeeze before and after the death of Clay, former gangbanger and pimp Nero wound up being a mentor to Jax as well, because he's a guy who really needed more dangerous father figures in the form of his mum's lovers.

Jax confesses his murder of Gemma to Nero in the final episode, after Padilla himself failed to protect either his girlfriend or Unser from being killed at Teller's hand. It's Nero who takes responsibility for Jax's kids, carting them off to safety as far away from Charming as he can possibly get. But he's not totally off the hook.

He promises to also explain Jax's whole scheme, everything that went wrong, to both SAMCRO and District Attorney Tyne Patterson, whom Teller had already confessed to. Does that actually ever happen, however, clearing up who killed who, who was playing who, and so on? Or did Nero just go live on his farm with Jax's kids happily ever after?


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at