Sons Of Anarchy: 12 Characters Everyone's Glad Survived

3. Chucky

Who would've thought that the compulsive masturbator introduced way back in season one would go on to become a permanent fixture in the SAMCRO family and a reliable source of comic relief? After having eight of his fingers cut off by the Triads to quell his urges and offered up to the club as a trade that Clay understandably turned down in season two, Tig took it upon himself to help him out by getting him a bookkeeping job at Cara Cara. From there on out, history was made, with Chucky proving time and again his worth in helping out the club in both their legal and illegal activities right up until the end. Everyone has their favourite Chucky moment and watching him slowly get taken in and accepted by the club over the series' run helped make him endearing. From speaking French for no apparent reason to trying to hide a head from police in chilli to confessing to Gemma that she was his best friend, the two-fingered club ally proved more than once that he had enough loyalty and heart to turn him into a piece of the show you couldn't live without. And everyone accepts that.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!