Sons Of Anarchy: 12 Characters Everyone's Glad Survived

12. Ethan Zobelle

Nothing would've been more satisfying at the end of season two than to see the slimy Ethan Zobelle get his due. After coming so close to finally nabbing him, the Sons had to take their leave, with Jax ultimately having to helplessly watch the kidnapped Abel fade into the distance. Zobelle managed to slip away and never be seen again, with each passing season moving further and further away from what he and LOAN brought to Charming. For all intents and purposes, Zobelle is "the one that got away." Despite being asked each year since whether or not the character would return, Sutter insisted that he wouldn't, even stating in a 2011 interview that "guys like Zobelle get away, and that was kind of the point of it." With pretty much every major antagonist left dead by series' end - and there were a lot of them over its run - it's good Sutter stuck to his guns when it came to Zobelle. Even though it may have been gratifying for him to be caught, Zobelle's escape highlighted early on that the Sons couldn't win every battle; to bring him back for the sake of gratification would've only been unnecessary fan service. Or you can believe he died in the plane crash being reported on in the background of the season three premiere, in which case go ahead and disregard this entry.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!