Sons Of Anarchy: 15 Insane Details You Definitely Missed!

6. Tig's Fear Of Dolls

Sons Of Anarchy

Although SAMCRO try to resolve issues diplomatically before engaging in violence, Alexander "Tig" Trager is always ready to kick the crap out of anyone. Because of his volatile demeanour and salacious manner, it's easy to forget Tig has a sensitive side. He's a doting father and makes it clear there's nothing he wants more than to be loved.

Even though he's quite complex, the element most people remember about Tig is his irrational fear of dolls. It's never explained why, but nothing freaks Tig out more than gazing into the lifeless eyes of a marionette puppet.

Pediphobia may sound bizarre but it's more common than you would imagine. In fact, the show's creator, Kurt Sutter, admitted that Tig's trait was inspired directly from his own fear of dolls. In a bizarre twist of fate, Sutter's wife, Katey Sagal, happened to own a collection of life-like dolls when they started dating. Any time he was in her house, he had to "turn them the other way whenever she left the room".


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