Sons Of Anarchy: 15 Insane Details You Definitely Missed!

7. Who Is Bachman?

Sons Of Anarchy

In the episode, Caregiver, Tig's partner gets in a scuffle and accidentally stabs herself to death. Knowing he has to dispose of the body, Tig hires a professional "cleaner" called Bachman.

Horror fans were thrilled to see the cleaner was played by none other than Stephen King. Considering he chops up a body and stuffs it down a slop sink, the visionary author probably has the most memorable cameo in the whole show.

Even if you recognised King, there is one little Easter egg that might've escaped your notice. When King became a famous writer, he was advised to release one book per year to avoid his name being oversaturated. To get around this, King wrote under the pseudonym, Richard Bachman. Under this persona, King wrote many stories including The Regulators, Rage, Roadwork, and The Long Walk. (Interestingly, some critics didn't like these books, saying they were too similar to King's style!)

Sutter always had King in mind for the role and so, named him Bachman as a tribute to to esteemed novelist.


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