Sons Of Anarchy: 15 Insane Details You Definitely Missed!

8. The Deeper Meaning Behind Wayne's Name

Sons Of Anarchy

For 30 years, Wayne Unser served as a police officer in Charming. After he retired, he used his clout as former chief to help SAMCRO anyway he could. Although Wayne's involvement with the gang makes him a dirty cop, he has nothing but noble intentions, since he believes Jax's group maintain order.

Even though SAMCRO sees Wayne as an ally, they blatantly take advantage of his good nature. Being in his 60s and fighting cancer, Wayne knows there's little he can do to fight back, forcing to submits to the club's terms, no matter how unreasonable they are.

Just to emphasise Wayne's role further, his surname, Unser, is German for "ours," which serves as a reminder the club own him and see him as a lackey more than a friend.


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