Sons Of Anarchy: 5 Most Heart Wrenching Moments

4. The Accidental Death Of Donna Winston - Season One There wasn't a dry eye in my house (I live alone with my cat) when Tig mistakenly executed Opie's wife Donna instead of Opie on the orders of club President Clay (Ron Pearlman). Clay had been fed false information that Opie was working with the Feds to help bring down the club when in fact nothing of the such had ever happened. When Clay finally found out the truth it was too late - the hit was already under way. When Clay's step son Jax (Hunnam) finds out what really happened and who was to blame for Donna's death it sets in motion a chain of events that would eventually lead to the usurping of Clay as the top dog in the Sons of Anarchy. But this was season 1 and there was still plenty of heartache to come.


Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.