Sons Of Anarchy: 5 Most Heart Wrenching Moments

2. The Rape Of Gemma Teller-Morrow - Season Two

Gemma SAMCRO We really can't see any benefit to putting this video on line given it's content but take our word for it it's some pretty horrendous viewing and pretty damn hard to watch. Gemma is raped by White Supremacists to send a message to The Sons but instead she chose to keep her ordeal to herself. Eventually breaking down and spilling the beans the rape brings the broken Sons of Anarchy back together for a moment as they exact their justified revenge against the monsters who attacked the gang's matriarchal figure. Henry Rollins plays one of the rapists and is perfectly cast in his role. Seeing him carry out this vile act in one scene and then to watch him with his sons in the next creates one of TV's best monsters to date. Gemma has another truly terrifying ordeal at the hands of Clay but this one pips it to the post as our number 2 most heart wrenching moment. Must see TV but please watch with caution.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.