Sons Of Anarchy 7.1 - 5 Talking Points From The Season Premiere

1. Juice Is A Man With Nowhere To Go

The fall of Juice Ortiz began all the way back in season five, when Sheriff Roosevelt used the fact that he's biracial as leverage to get him to rat on the Sons. The guilt behind his betrayal led him to attempt to take his own life, and eventually his deception came to light. He was forced to earn his way back into the circle of SAMCRO, and Jax tasked him with killing Darvany Jennings in order to keep her from talking to police about the school shooting at the hands of her son. The act bought him favor with Jax who assured him all was forgiven, but Juice overdosed on oxycontin and spilled the truth about Darvany's death to Nero, who confronts Jax. Now Juice is back on the outs and ends season five by killing Sheriff Roosevelt in order to protect Gemma after she murders Tara. So now we're left with Juice, alone with no allies other than Gemma who is obviously indebted to him (at least until she can figure out a way to silence him for good, too), and now he has Unser as a captive, unsure of what to do and where to go. The Juice situations creates some interesting angles because it gives Wendy some leverage over Gemma, and as long as he's still alive Gemma can never be certain her secret will stay buried with her deceased daughter-in-law. Where do we go from here? Sons of Anarchy is one of the most unpredictable shows on the dial and we love it for its volatility. The only thing that's for certain is that this season is going to be one hell of a final ride. Tune in next week for 5 more talking points from episode two - "Toil and Till".

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.