South Park: 10 Worst Things Cartman Has Ever Done

8. Cheating In The Special Olympics - Up The Downs Steroid

Cartman South Park Hitler
Comedy Central

This would not be okay to show today.

The Special Olympics has come to South Park and all of the handicapped children are working hard at their chosen sports, particularly Jimmy who has resorted to using steroids. Cartman, who has no handicap whatsoever, sees that there's a $1000 cash prize and blind to how terrible this is, disguises himself as a handicapped child and manipulates his mother into entering him into the games.

This would make much higher on the list had his plan worked however. While Eric was doing his best to appear disabled, the actual disabled kids were honing their skills and actually getting good at the event, leaving Cartman stone dead last at the Games.

The plan is so terrible in execution and taste that Kyle, someone who hates him more than anyone, tries to talk him out of it to save his soul, but quickly twists it back onto Kyle, with this being the height of Cartman's obsession with The Passion Of The Christ. He even tries to justify his acts, saying he deliberately lost to teach Jimmy about steroid. It doesn't work, because Cartman is a sick human being.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!