South Park: 10 Worst Things Cartman Has Ever Done

7. Rigging The US Elections - Obama Wins!

Cartman South Park Hitler
Comedy Central

Democracy is something important to us all. The ability to choose who leads us into the future is a decision no-one takes lightly. But when someone takes that choice away from us, it's going to cause fury if we ever found out.

That's just what happened when Cartman stole tens of thousands of ballots from the US swing states to ensure that Obama would remain President for a second term.

Why, you ask? Star Wars, I say.

Cartman rigged the ballots to keep Obama in power so that he could give the Star Wars film rights to the Chinese Government, while also wanting something for himself. He goes between them and Disney to get the best deal he can, including playing Luke Skywalker's son in Episode VII.

The ballots are discovered eventually and, deciding that the right man in the White House isn't as important as Star Wars, are burned, keeping Obama in power and keeping Cartman away from the franchise.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!