South Park: 10 Worst Things Cartman Has Ever Done

2. Teaming Up With Cthulhu - Mysterion Rises

Cartman South Park Hitler
Comedy Central

Forming an alliance with the most evil creature in the universe is surely one of the worst things you can do, right? Cartman doesn't see it that way.

Cartman, under the guise of The Coon, has teamed with other superheroes in his town but is eventually kicked out for being, quote "a dick". The friends just want to raise money for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill crisis but Cartman is so bitter about being kicked out of his own super-team, that after BP accidently releases Cthulhu for his slumber, he manipulates the cosmic demon into teaming with him.

The two then proceed to travel the world making it a better place the only way he knows how: brutally murdering everyone who pisses him off. This includes Jewish people in San Francisco, hippies at Burning Man, and Justin Bieber, before banishing his friends to a hellish other-dimension.

He really is a dick.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!