South Park: 10 Worst Things That Have Ever Happened To Butters

5. Bullied By His Grandmother & Being Exploited For It - Butterballs

South Park Butters
Comedy Central

Butters will always be an easy target for everyone at school. He just doesn't fight back and accepts whatever punishment comes his way. While Cartman is the main instigator of this, the most vicious is much closer to home.

In this particular episode, Butters has his grandmother over to visit, who turns out to be one of the most vicious people to ever torment the poor child. She would hit him, stab him with a fork at dinner with his parents right next to him, feeding him a urinal cake and gumming his arm while mocking his Professor Chaos outfit (something you will never be able to un-see).

Stan sees this as an opportunity to highlight bullying in schools, and uses Butters as the poster child and as the star of his music video, even though he just wants to be left alone. Butters eventually snaps and attacks Dr. Oz after pushing him too far.

It's Butters who gets the last word, as he calmly confronts his grandmother saying he'll get her back by being happy after the bad times pass.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!