South Park Elementary: Every Faculty Member Ranked Worst To Best

2. Mr. Garrison

South Park Ms. Pearl
Comedy Central

Mr Garrison is the real MVP of this show, as his versatility as a character is unmatched. You can literally track the stages of the series through his character journeys, such as the Mr Hat era, the supressed sexuality period, his time as Ms Garrison, his kindergarten teaching and his infamous transition into the Donald Trump of South Park. He's been entertaining all along and really is one of the most identifiable parts of the series.

The character was introduced in the pilot episode and has appeared in almost every episode, with the latest seasons being the most times he's been absent. Running a country will do that to you. His personality has always been memorable, as his bigoted views, abrasive language and lack of self-awareness are full of the South Park spirit.

While it can be tough to like him, it's also easy to feel sorry for him, and this tends to make him one of the most complex characters in the show. There are times when he feels like a pure villain, but he always wins you back with his humour and confidence. Thanks to this, he's a great silver medallist, but doesn't quite win the gold.

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