South Park Elementary: Every Faculty Member Ranked Worst To Best

3. Chef

South Park Ms. Pearl
Comedy Central

The early days of South Park was a drastically different time; that much can be seen in the animation, humour and the characters who wandered about the place. While Chef may no longer be a part of the show, he's still in our hearts and easily ranks at the higher end of this list, despite his time being cut short.

Chef was - as his name might suggest - the cafeteria chef, and he was always willing to help the children out with wise words. However, his words of wisdom often came with a sexual connotation that helped to teach the kids maybe a little more than they needed to know.

He was charming, fun and always had a positive attitude, making him one of the most wholesome parts of the series. This was all complemented by the flawless vocal identity provided to him by Isaac Hayes. Sadly, that would end up being what did this character in, as Hayes was a devout Scientologist and departed from the show after it mocked the organisation mercilessly.

Despite this, Chef is still a fondly remembered part of South Park. His tragic and overwhelmingly gruesome death simply left us wanting more - which isn't always a bad thing.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!