Star Trek: 10 Biggest Examples Of Vulcans Being Illogical

2. Kal-if-fee

Whilst renowned for (mostly) being logical and unemotional, Vulcans are also well known for their other traits which these lead to, such as being peace-loving and philosophical. Obviously, this makes you wonder where exactly the tradition of Kal-if-fee comes into anything. Not that historic ceremonies are illogical, but why would a fight to the death in order to not go through with your arranged marriage still be practised by a race who are so devoted to peace they became vegetarians? Another point to consider is that the only thing to cut deeper than a Lirpa's blade is that it's the bride who initiates the challenge, but doesn't take part; it is two others who risk their lives for her benefit. Certainly the Pon farr - from which her betrothed would be suffering, and the whole reason that the marriage issue needs to be addressed - is a powerful condition, but surely a race as developed as the Vulcans could develop some medical treatment far more in line with their philosophy. Perhaps even some "release" more than once every seven years might help such a chemical imbalance from being so, well, unbalanced. Who would have thought that the first proper insight into Vulcan culture would be one of the most illogical? No wonder the whole race is so secretive about it.

One man fate has made indescribable