Star Trek: 10 Biggest Examples Of Vulcans Being Illogical

3. Khitomer Conspiracy

With so many Vulcans (at least in the prime universe), it is understandable that there will also be several interpretations of what actually is logical. There aren't many as controversial as Valeris though. The only (known) Vulcan amongst several key conspirators, but who has enough illogic for several. For starters, there is the conspiracy in the first place: stop the Klingon/Federation peace treaty from being signed by assassinating the leaders of both the Klingon Empire, and the United Federation of Planets. A treaty later known as the Khitomer Accords, which history has shown to have been beneficial to both powers. Secondly, as Spock points out once he has uncovered her involvement, logic demands that she has to shoot him - something which she chooses not to do. More than both of these however, is the fact that a joining together of alien races was conspired against by several of those same races joining together. Valeris herself believes in stopping the treaty because Klingons can't be trusted, but doesn't specify whether this includes General Chang and his crew, with whom she is working. Not that it matters too much, as she's being highly illogical either way. Just as the ends don't justify the means, "Logic is the beginning of wisdom ... not the end", and it all goes to show that you can't always trust Vulcans (or Humans and Romulans) either.

One man fate has made indescribable