Star Trek: 10 Biggest Examples Of Vulcans Being Illogical

8. V'tosh Ka'tur

Literally meaning "Vulcans without logic", you could be mistaken for thinking that this should be higher on the list, were it not for the fact that the Vulcans without logic, actually have logic. Branded with this designation by Vulcan society who considered logic and emotions to be somewhat mutually exclusive, those "V'tosh ka'tur" crewing the starship Vahklas in the Enterprise episode Fusion had actually found a balance between the two. All except for Tolaris that is, who rightfully lives up to the name. Like a rebellious teenager experimenting with things he doesn't quite understand, he initiated a mind meld with T'Pol. When she asked him to stop, he didn't, became angry, and basically mind-raped her. Not only did he ignore her protests, but by underestimating the power of the mind meld, a technique he hadn't fully grasped, he left T'Pol with a neural disease called Pa'nar Syndrome.

One man fate has made indescribable