Star Trek: 10 Biggest Examples Of Vulcans Being Illogical

6. Melding With A Serial Killer

After the mind meld overcame the taboo status it held in the 22nd Century, it became a useful tool and a cornerstone of Vulcans' abilities. Unfortunately this also included those instances when the risks of using it far outweighed the benefits; Tuvok's curiosity of Lon Suder is perhaps the best example. Stuck on board the lone starfleet vessel in the Delta Quadrant, Betazoid Lon Suder found that the only outlet for his violent impulses was to kill another member of Voyager's crew. Not the first person he had killed either, as he had originally joined The Maquis purely for that purpose. In fact his impulses were so severe that Suder's only explanation for crewman Darwin's homicide is simply "I didn't like the way he looked at me." So does Tuvok lock him up and throw away the key? Of course not, he decides to give the murderous sociopath a direct link to his own mind. He also does this alone, without Captain Janeway's knowledge (let alone consent), and although he states it was also to help Suder with his self-control, the fact that he later suggests execution as a punishment/solution does tend to make this a fairly moot point. With Tuvok's further help and teachings (no mention of any mind meld's being necessary), Suder was able to regain some level of control during his confinement to maximum security quarters, but this didn't stop Tuvok from pretty much destroying his own due to the violence he inherited from Suder. All in all, definitely not worth it, but things could have been much worse...

One man fate has made indescribable