Star Trek: 10 Biggest Examples Of Vulcans Being Illogical

5. Being A Serial Killer

Vulcans, as a rule, don't like emotions. They consider them a distraction, and suppress them to gain a further understanding of logic. Not that this in itself is wrong, but sometimes this can be taken to extreme, and illogical levels. Take Lt. Chu'lak for instance. In the Deep Space Nine episode Field Of Fire, Chu'lak murdered three of his fellow officers, in a rather cowardly manner, for the simple reason that they all had photos of people who were expressing some form of emotion. This came about as he had previously been one of only six survivors of the USS Grissom, destroyed in the Dominion war, and Chu'lak's psychological trauma was just too much to bear. Although survivors guilt alone can often be a tormenting affliction, the tragedy of witnessing the loss of over 1,000 crewmates would surely be too much for anyone. So whilst this particular example may be (somewhat) understandable, his defence that "logic demanded it" unfortunately just doesn't add up.

One man fate has made indescribable