Star Trek: 10 Biggest Historical Events That Never Happened

There are huge events in Star Trek's history that are conspicuous now in their absence

Transparent Aluminium Star Trek Voyage Home
Paramount Pictures

In 1964, Star Trek was created with many bold predictions for the future. World Wars, mass planetary migration, interstellar wars - it was all ahead of the humans who would don those famous Starfleet costumes. 

When one is tasked with the job of writing future history, one often needs to give themselves time for events to happen. What's the harm in writing about an event thirty years in the future - we may not even remember this episode when that year rolls by!

Well, with Star Trek still going strong sixty years after that initial episode, many of the events of the future's history have failed to materialise. While some are definitely *not* missed (looking at you, Eugenics Wars) there are others which may have served to better humanity along the way. 

These are the biggest moments that never happened - or, may yet happen still.

10. Orbital Nuclear Warhead Platforms

Transparent Aluminium Star Trek Voyage Home
CBS Media Ventures

Assignment: Earth, the pilot that never took off, is unique on this list - not for what it got wrong - but for what it got right. First, the Orbital Nuclear Warhead Platforms that Gary Seven sought to sabotage thankfully remain a fictional event. This was another morality play from Roddenberry, tapping into the very real threat of nuclear war that was prevalent in the 1960s.

Assignment: Earth was written, in stages, between 1965 and 1967. It began life as the pilot for its own series, though that series was never picked up. Set in 1968, it predicted these weapons platforms, though it also specifically mentioned that:

There will be an important assassination today, an equally dangerous government coup in Asia

In 1968, both Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Jnr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated in the United States. The Vietnam War continued to rage in Asia and, though this occurred in Iraq, not Asia, a coup placed Saddam Hussein as Vice Chairman of the Revolutionary Council. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick