Star Trek: 10 Biggest Historical Events That Never Happened

8. Launch of Nomad

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Nomad was launched in 2002 from Earth. Its mission was to serve as the prototype for a new interstellar search for alien life. However, its creator, Dr. Jackson Roykirk, had other motives for this project.

His dream, according to Spock, was to create a machine mind so perfect that it would leave humanity in its wake. With the probe fusing with Tan Ru, an alien probe it came into contact with, it effectively realised its creator's dream.

However, as of 2024, there has yet to be a probe of Nomad's design launched from Earth. The search for efficient A.I. is, however, becoming more prevalent by the day. New technology is constantly in development - ChatGPT, OpenAI, etc - that may pave the way for true artificial intelligence in the future. For now, however, this genocidal probe remains the thing of dreams.

Scary dreams, but dreams nonetheless. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick