Star Trek: 10 Biggest Historical Events That Never Happened

6. Construction Of The Millenium Gate

Transparent Aluminium Star Trek Voyage Home
CBS Media Ventures

The Millennium Gate began construction in 2001 and reached completion around 2012. It was built in Portage Creek, Indiana - or at least, it should have been.

Voyager's fifth season episode 11:59 took viewers forward in time, offering a glimpse of the then-upcoming end of the millennium. Shannon O'Donnell, Captain Janeway's distant ancestor, was a key figure in greenlighting the project, with the episode largely told through her point of view.

The structure, designed by Rick Sternbach, was similar to his earlier design for Farpoint Station. To date, neither has been built to scale in the real world. The Gate was described as over a kilometre high, easily visible from space, and covered in solar panels. It's a wonderful prototype for a self-sustaining eco-building so let us not give up hope on it just yet - even if it has to be moved to Canton, Ohio!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick