Star Trek: 10 Dumbest Decisions By Starfleet Officers

3. Beaming The Entire Crew Down To A Planet...With A Planet Killer Nearby - Commodore Matt Decker

Commodore Decker

You have to feel a little sorry for Commodore Matt Decker. He was a well-respected Starfleet officer, highly decorated and in command of his own ship, even though that was usually reserved for captains. The USS Constellation came across the Planet Killer, the giant worm-like object that was devouring entire star systems for its next meal.

Though the Constellation tried to disable the weapon, it was far too powerful and ended up crippling the ship. Decker made the decision to beam his crew off the vessel to save them. He transported them to a planet that was almost immediately eaten by the enormous being. While this is a tragedy for sure, one has to question the decision-making process here.

What are we facing? A giant planet killer.

Where do I send the crew? To a planet.

The only thing that Decker didn't offer the creature was a glass of wine to go with the meal he provided. He thoroughly paid for his mistake, so we mustn't just him too harshly. But still, it's almost as though he wanted his crew dead.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick