Star Trek: 10 Greatest Captain Janeway Speeches

8. Even In The Name Of Scientific Progress - Scientific Method

Star Trek Captain Janeway Speeches
CBS Media Ventures

Season 4's Scientific Method saw Captain Janeway pushed to her limits, with Voyager under covert invasion by the Srivani, who are conducting various scientific experiments on the crew. For Janeway, this consists of several needles piercing her skull, a continuous increasing of her dopamine levels and the triggering of various aggressive impulses in order to observe her restraint. 

Once the crew have detained one of these scientists, the captain is appalled by her nonchalant attitude towards the painful consequences of their actions. Stating that these experiments are necessary for medical progress and that the test subjects are, essentially, collateral damage.

She crosses the line when she compares their inhumane methods of self preservation to Janeway's loyal commitment to the welfare of her crew, suggesting that they are far more similar than the captain would like to admit. Janeway instantly rejects the comparison and highlights the progress of humanity with regards to the abuse of another living being. 

What you're doing isn't self-defence. It's the exploitation of another species for your own benefit. My people decided a long time ago that that was unacceptable, even in the name of scientific progress. 

The effects of these experiments leads to a rare instance of Captain Janeway losing her composure which only adds to the intensity of this confrontation. The aggressive, yet desperate, tone of her voice as she threatens her torturer only emphasising the power and determination of her promise that:

These lab rats are fighting back.
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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️