Star Trek: 10 Greatest Captain Janeway Speeches

7. We Stop Being Human - Equinox Part 1

Star Trek Captain Janeway Speeches
CBS Media Ventures

Unfortunately, not all Starfleet officers in the Delta Quadrant remained as committed to the ideals and principles of the Federation as Voyager's captain.

Contrary to Janeway's statement in Scientific Method, Captain Ransom and the surviving Equinox crew entirely abandoned their humanity, and the Prime Directive, by capturing and exploiting the nucleogenic life forms to benefit their prolonged journey towards the Alpha Quadrant. 

When Voyager first discovers the Equinox, Janeway is relieved and, almost, excited at the prospect of finally having a fellow captain - an equal - along their journey. She had even mentioned an existing admiration and desire to meet Captain Ransom. That is why her sense of betrayal and disappointment is so strong when she discovers the true nature of the Equinox's progress through the Delta Quadrant. 

Throughout Voyager's journey, Captain Janeway has always maintained that the principles of Starfleet be upheld and her discovery that another Starfleet captain could abandon them so quickly, in favour of an easier solution, breaks her. During her confrontation with Ransom, he questions how he was expected to ignore such salvation to which Janeway still recites those principles.

By adhering to the oath you took as Starfleet officers to seek out life, not destroy it. 

In response to this perceived lecture, Ransom notes how it is much easier for Janeway to "cling to principles" when her ship and crew are in a much healthier condition than his own. Voyager's captain maintains her stance on the matter, however, and chastises Ransom even further by reminding him that it is not about ease or protocol, but the basic nature of humanity.

It's never easy. But if we turn our backs on our principles, we stop being human.
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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️