Star Trek: 10 Greatest Captain Sisko Speeches

7. The Nature Of True Evil

Star Trek past tense sancturay districts sisko deep space nine ds9
CBS Media Ventures

Gul Dukat is, in this writer's humble opinion, the greatest villain in Star Trek history. Marc Alaimo imbued the character with depth that is hard to believe, delivering a performance for the ages. Waltz is one of the best examples of Dukat and Sisko's long game coming to a head. Dukat, in his meglomania, finally shows his true belief in his power over the Bajoran people. 

Stranded on a desolate world, waiting for rescue, both men let the pretences fall away. Sisko challenges Dukat to finally tell the truth, leading the latter to reveal his plans for Bajor - with death, destruction, and subjugation rising to the top of the list. Though they had sparred for years, erupting into actual war with Cardassia's acceptance into the Dominion, this was the last time that Sisko and Dukat would come face to face until the final episode. 

The stage was set, as Sisko informs Jadzia at the episode's close.

I'm not going to let him destroy Bajor. I fear no evil. From now on, it's him or me.

In this short exchange, Sisko makes a pledge to be the final barrier to Dukat's plans. As we would see, this was a promise he intended to keep. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick