Star Trek: 10 Hated Characters You Grew To Love

1. T'Pring

Star Trek Captain Shaw
CBS Media Ventures

If there is one thing that Strange New Worlds has done well (and it's done a lot well, to be clear) it's the redemption of T'Pring. Originally, the character only appeared in Amok Time, hardly demonstrating a sympathetic position as she spurned Spock for Ston.

Strange New Worlds has already given us more T'Pring than we'd seen in the fifty years beforehand, helping to develop her character and her motivations, and truly make her sympathetic. We see her interact with - and frankly, put up with - Spock, while also learning more about his life on board the Enterprise.

Gia Sandhu plays the role perfectly, offering a dry wit as only a Vulcan can while breaking hearts during her performance in Charades. When she asks Spock why he chose not to inform her of his condition, it is very hard not to take her side, and feel her righteous pain, as he fails to satisfactorily answer the question.

It is unlikely we've seen the last of T'Pring, which is for the better, as she has quickly become a beloved Star Trek legacy character.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick