Star Trek: 10 Hated Characters You Grew To Love

9. Harry Mudd

Star Trek Captain Shaw
CBS Media Ventures

When Roger C. Carmel appeared on the transporter pad in Mudd's Women, he was exactly what he appeared to be: space pimp. Harry Mudd was a fairly rotten dude in his first outing, while his second didn't do very much to improve that image. Saying that, Carmel was one of only two guest stars asked to reprise their roles in The Animated Series, with the other being Mark Lenard as Sarek.

This is a case of the actor being so damn likable that it bleeds over into the character. Had Carmel not brought the cheeky stache and wit to Mudd, it is very unlikely that Harry would have popped up again in Star Trek: Discovery, this time played by Rainn Wilson.

Let's be clear: Harry Mudd was not a good man. Yet, he was never in the villainous leagues of Khan or Dukat. He was simply a con man, jobbing his way through the galaxy, with a little disregard for the safety and liberties of others. We technically shouldn't love him. Technically. 

But Roger C. Carmel...

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick