Star Trek: 10 Hated Characters You Grew To Love

6. Nog

Star Trek Captain Shaw
CBS / Shout! Studios

Writing in 2024, it feels odd to include Nog on a list like this. Hated? Surely not! Aron Eisenberg was perfect in the role! He arguably had the greatest character arc of any supporting role! Seán, are you off your meds again?

My medical status aside, when one casts their memory back to the long ago - 1993 - what audiences received, through Nog, was a deliberately annoying little Ferengi. He was first shown as a petty thief, then as a thoroughly anti-Starfleet friend for Jake Sisko. 

His Ferengi upbringing made him misogynistic, curt, and ignorant of the world around him. It was through his friendships, and experience, that he became one of the stand-out players in Deep Space Nine. This abrasive young man, so ready to belittle women and hew-mons at every turn, earned his stripes. By the time he stood in front of Sisko, pleading his case for sponsorship to the Academy, or finally broke down to Vic Fontaine, there was no question in our hearts. 

He may have been a little odious to begin with, but that was the point, and we loved him for his growth. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick