Star Trek: 10 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Worf

8. The Reward Of Duty - "Redemption €“ Parts 1 & 2" (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

In "Redemption", Worf gets the chance to redeem his family honour. Captain Picard is asked to act as "Arbiter of Succession" to officially sanction the installation of Gowron as leader of the Klingon High Council. In the process, he is challenged by the Duras Family who are also the family of the traitors who originally caused the Romulan massacre at Khitomer. This risks civil war and Picard is asked to adjudicate. He rules in favour of Gowron driving the Duras family into a fury. Worf's brother €“ Kurn, commands a squadron of Birds of Prey. Seeing an opportunity, as the older brother, he pledges them to Gowron's support should civil war break out. However, after a surprise attack on Gowron's ship, Kurn's ships arrive to rescue him. In return, Gowron removes Worf's discommendation and calls him to active service in defense of the Empire. When Picard orders him to return to the Enterprise and remove themselves from an internal Klingon matter, Worf resigns his commission and stands with Gowron. Worf understands that his first duty is to his family €“ his surviving brother and the memory of his slaughtered family. Worf gives up his career, his professional relationships and potentially his connections to the Federation to stand by his brother and defend the Klingon Empire. That's a sacrifice and a half, to say the least. But duty has its rewards. Worf's family name is restored and the name of the traitor is known and his family's collusion with the Romulans is revealed. The Duras Family are defeated and Worf is reinstated to Star Fleet active service after his duty to the Empire and his family is concluded.

John Kirk is a Teacher-Librarian and currently a History/English Teacher with the Toronto District School Board. But mostly, John teaches Geek. Comics, Sci-Fi (Notably Star Trek), Fantasy and Role-Playing and table-top games all make up part of John’s repertoire, There is a whole generation of nerds-in-embryo who rely on him to make sense of it all, to teach that with great power comes great responsibility, that the force will be with us always and that a towel IS the most useful thing to have in one’s possession. When John isn’t in the classroom, he can be found in his basement writing comic reviews for and features for Roddenberry Entertainment's