Star Trek: 10 Moments That Confirm J/C (Janeway & Chakotay)

2. Terran Tease

Star Trek Prodigy Janeway And Chakotay
CBS Media Ventures

Star Trek: Prodigy's second season is as much a love letter to fans of J/C as it is to J/C themselves. In part, that was the point of the trip to the goatee universe. For the finer obscenities, do check out the TrekCulture podcast discussion of episodes 11-15, but suffice it to say here that Mirror Janeway and Chakotay are thoroughly enjoying each other's interrogations! All hail something, anyway, not just the (newly restored) Empire, as the evil whale said. And leave the agoniser on!

Whilst still remaining demographically-friendly, the two Terran tease in Cracked Mirror did manage to whet our more adult appetite as a by-proxy for the 'real' J/C deal. The absolute confirmation we didn't, or couldn't, get over in Prime (albeit the one with the Loom for a bit), was all but assured by the stroking of a twin's bearded chin. Then more so when, having escaped thanks to "Oh, no! Not the cute one!", Prime Chakotay convinces Mirror Janeway to stand down and help with the following line: "Because no matter what reality we're in, I could never hurt you."

As per Shattered, Prime Chakotay had done this before, though now there was an extra 10 years added in getting back to his Janeway. When the moment of reunion did finally arrive, it was everything we could have hoped for — an embrace, voices faltering with emotion, a loving look, and a face smudge too!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.