Star Trek: 10 Production Secrets You Never Knew About Klingons

4. They Were Named After An LAPD Officer

Klingons Star Trek

Gene L. Coon conceived the Klingons, but in the beginning, he didn't have an idea for a name. In fact, it was by pure happenstance that they got the title that has stuck with them ever since. He overheard Gene Roddenberry speaking about a friend of his from the Los Angeles Police Department - Lieutenant Wilbur Clingan.

Years later, after retiring from the force, Clingan was known to introduce himself as the very first Klingon. Robert Justman, one of the main producers on Star Trek, joked that he was never truly sure if the name was a tribute or revenge on Gene's part, as he would forevermore be known for his Star Trek association rather than any other aspect of his life.

D.C. Fontana, one of the principal writers on the Original Series, hated the name. She implored Roddenberry to change it as it was too functional and dull-sounding - cling-on? Gross. But time went against her and none of the production team could think of anything better, so Errand Of Mercy was filmed with the Klingons as the principal rivals to the Federation, and the rest is history.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick