Star Trek: 10 Production Secrets You Never Knew About Klingons

2. The Original Klingon Emblem Was In Front Of Our Eyes In The Next Generation

Klingons Star Trek

When thinking of the Klingon emblem, the established image now is of the three-pointed star, with each lower point tilting in opposite directions. This has been part of Klingon lore for decades, though it was not the first logo that would ever be seen attributed to them. In fact, even after it was set in stone, the original emblem continued to appear in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Errand Of Mercy introduces Kor as the new Governor of Organia. He quickly sets himself up with an office, and the man clearly has an eye for interior design. The Klingon Emblem is emblazoned on the wall in the form of an ornate torch, flames reaching upward with wings pointing out horizontally to either side. This was also seen as a letterhead on some of the new orders that Kor issued to the people.

The more familiar design would quickly replace this but through the reuse of props, it would return in The Next Generation. Worf, in the first season, wears the same sash that Kor wore in Errand Of Mercy. It is adorned with this original emblem, which means that in every episode of that season, it was staring the audience in the face the whole time without being too obvious.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick