Star Trek: 10 Reasons Wesley Crusher Needs His Own Spin-Off Series

9. Cool (h)Whip, Fan, Fic

Star Trek Wesley Crusher Jumper

With characteristic overpronunciation, even Seth MacFarlane's often downright maniacal talking baby thought we should all "be nicer to (h)Wil (h)Wheaton". Over the years, much of the ire for Wesley has been equally and most undeservedly directed at the actor, when, to echo Stewie once more, he really does seem like a nice guy. And, if there is one thing Star Trek can be said to espouse above all else, it's that nice guys (and gals) finish first. 

Prolific host of The Ready Room (and other events), plus all-round superfan whether he's been in it or not, Wheaton is the coolest 'King of Star Trek,' and quite simply 'King of the Nerds'. It's not just Wesley who needs a spin-off, but Wheaton who deserves one, having worked damn hard in an uphill battle against those "hurtful" haters.

Proof, if more were needed, of his extra-curricular Trek fandom, Wheaton happens to write Wesley fan fiction, as he reiterated in an interview with our own Seán Ferrick. That includes published work in issue 400 of the Star Trek comics. Wheaton has, in essence, already done half the work for a Wesley series — a level of preparation that shone through in Star Trek: Prodigy — and, with his sci-fi fandom not limited to Star Trek, any spin-off could happily spill-over.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.