Star Trek: 10 Reasons Wesley Crusher Needs His Own Spin-Off Series

6. Gary Seven's Cat In A Ziggurat

Star Trek Wesley Crusher Jumper
CBS Media Ventures

Assignment: Earth was the backdoor to a side series that was left closed. If we missed out on more from the telepathic, shapeshifting cat and her Class 1 handler in the '60s, we very recently got a second glimpse at Gary Seven's retro office chic, now doubling up as a style of training room. We can only hope another of the many doors in that ziggurat opens up to a full-on revival (starring Wesley) of that very original idea.

The recruitment process remained an industry secret for the longest time, but we now know that the Supervisors, aka 'Watchers,' are, in fact, a kind of subcontractor — or 'field agents' — for the Travellers, dispatched to keep an eye on certain parts of the timeline. Typically, Supervisors are hired to watch over "their own [species]," as per Gary Seven, but sometimes to look after a "similar species," as per Tallinn, a Romulan sent to monitor (human) Renée Picard on Earth in the 21st century.

It was from Wesley that we found out about the Supervisor-Traveller connection in the first place, so a spin-off series with the former (acting) Ensign could help further elucidate the working relationship between the two and shed further light on the Supervisors' role in galactic history. Plus, just how many of them have rocket-climbing 'cats'?

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.