Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of Strange New Worlds' Enterprise You Need To Know

9. "25% Different"

Star Trek Strange New Worlds Enterprise

If you were anywhere near Reddit or some of the sassier YouTube channels out there when Star Trek: Discovery revealed its redesigned USS Enterprise, you might've heard of the "25% different" rule.

This rumor took off after John Eaves stated (in a now deleted Facebook post) that the producers' guideline for the new Enterprise was that it "had to be 25% different" from the original. This led some to theorize that, legally, the new Enterprise had to be 25% different because (somehow) CBS did not own the rights to Matt Jefferies' original design.

While CBS released a statement clarifying that they did indeed own the rights to the Enterprise and that "any changes made to the design of the Enterprise were creative ones to utilize 2018 VFX technology", the rumor was still out there. And despite evidence to the contrary (like CBS merchandising the hell out of the original Enterprise for decades before Discovery hit streaming), some used the "25% different" rule to support their assertions that Discovery wasn't "real Star Trek", it was "Kurtzman Trek" or worse.

Nevertheless, Star Trek: Discovery's version of the USS Enterprise, which debuted in "Will You Take My Hand?", was designed in the hopes of better aligning the original ship with the Discovery's updated 23rd century aesthetics. And that's as juicy as it gets.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).