Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of The Enterprise A You Need To Know

4. My God That's A Big Ship

Star Trek IV The Voyage Home Enterprise A
Paramount Pictures

According to a cutaway deck plan of the Constitution-class USS Defiant from Star Trek: Enterprise's "In A Mirror, Darkly, Part 2" and the non-canon (but widely cited) Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise, the original, refit, and USS Enterprise-A were all roughly around 21 to 23 decks tall. However, in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, there's definitely something wrong with the Enterprise-A.

As Kirk, Spock, and McCoy escape Sybok's henchmen using a pair of gravity boots, the Enterprise officers rocket up a disused turbolift shaft, past signs for Deck 13, Deck 52, Deck 52 again, before finally coming to a stop at the top of the ship: Deck 78.

This is a famous blooper and it's obvious Star Trek V's filmmakers (*cough* William Shatner *cough*) believed that the scene would be more dramatic if the numbers were a lot higher than made sense in-universe. But since Star Trek canon relies on on-screen evidence, it's possible the Enterprise-A really was 78 decks tall.

Or maybe the turboshaft was out of service so the crew could correct the deck signage?

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).